Friday, 23 November 2018

6th Pay Commission Points

Sixth Pay Commission
  • G.O.(Ms) No.234, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated 01.06.2009 (vide Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2009 with effect from 01.01.2006 – with monetary benefit from 01.01.2007)
  • In pursuance of the One Man Commission and Pay Grievance Redressal Cell orders with reference to orders issued in the following G.Os. the pay fixation  will be arrived and pay fixations will be fixed to those whose cases are pending for a long time:--
  • G.O.(Ms) No.254 to 340, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated 26.08.2010 (with effect from 01.01.2006 monetary benefit from 01.08.2010);
  • G.O.(Ms) No.45, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated 10.02.2011 (with effect from 01.01.2006 monetary benefit from 01.02.2011) [Junior Assistants / Typists]
  • G.O.(Ms) No.63, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated 26.02.2011 (with effect from 01.01.2006 monetary benefit from 01.03.2011); [Record Assistant, etc]
  • G.O.(Ms) No.65, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated 26.02.2011 (with effect from 01.01.2006 monetary benefit from 01.03.2011); [Drivers]
  • G.O.(Ms) No.23, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated 12.01.2011 (with effect from 01.01.2006 monetary benefit from 01.01.2011) [B.T. Assistants / Teachers, etc]
  • Revised scales to Selection Grade / Special Grade as per orders issued in Government Letter No.63305/Pay Cell/2010-1, Finance Department, dated 08.11.2010Further, the Governemnt have issued clarifications in para 4(i) of the said Government Letter that the revised Selection Grade / Special Grade scales of pay in the case of employees awarded Selection Grade / Special Grade prior to 01.01.2006 and in whose cases the ordinary grade scales of pay have been revised based on the recommendations of One Man Commission / further orders of Government thereon shall be fixed as per the scales of pay indicated in Annexure I to this said letter, subject to the condition stipulated therein that if the revised Selection Grade / Special Grade scales of pay indicated in Annexure I to this said letter happens to be higher than the first level / second level promotion post, then in such cases only the revised Selection Grade / Special Grade scales of pay should be restricted to the level of their first level and second level promotional posts respectively.
  • G.O.(Ms) No.237, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated 22.07.2013 (with effect from 01.01.2006 monetary benefit from 01.04.2013 – 3% plus  3% benefit for Selection Grade / Special Grade Posts w.e.f the date of movement to the post of Selection Grade / Special Grade notionally and with monetary benefit from 01.04.2013)
  • G.O.(Ms) No.238 to 325, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated 22.07.2013 (with effect from 01.01.2006 monetary benefit from 01.04.2013 – to various posts fixations)
  • G.O.(Ms) No.363, Finance (P.G.C) Department, dated 23.08.2013 (pay fixation to those who retired between 01.06.1988 to 31.12.1995 by adding D.A. as Dearness Pay]
  • G.O.Ms.No.311, Finance (CMPC) Department, dated 31.12.2014 (Sanction of one notional increment for pension benefits to those who are eligible for increment on the next day of their retirement and the benefit comes into effect from the date of issue of order)